169 похожих чатов

I want to use some utility functions of web3 which

doesn't requires any RPC calls.
So can I initialize web3 without giving a provider?
e.g. let web3 = new Web3('http://localhost:8545'); => let web3 = new Web3(); (won't work)

18 ответов

36 просмотров

Ahhh the pain of using Web3 syntaxes. Just like Solidity, you spend more time solving how to use a specific function rather than solving the business application problem

for util functions and such, just use them directly from the web3 package, no instantiation needed. I.e. web3.utils.fromWei(...)

Steve-ANT Автор вопроса
Jayper Sanchez
Ahhh the pain of using Web3 syntaxes. Just like S...

that's right, and on top of that they often changes the syntax on new versions. common, Why would u change the syntax if it works.

Steve-ANT Автор вопроса
Aaron (Coffee) - https://rmg.io | https://darkalpha.eth.limo
for util functions and such, just use them directl...

So I'm trying to use web3.eth.accounts.recover, since web3.eth.personal.ecRecover doesn't work for me on Node (does fine on Browser)

Steve ANT
that's right, and on top of that they often change...

Syntax doesn’t change often. You are mistaking function calls from Syntax.

for some of these web3.eth functions, you should be able to instantiate a web3 object without an actual node provider, by doing something like `const myWeb3 = new web3(web3.givenProvider);`

Steve-ANT Автор вопроса
Aaron (Coffee) - https://rmg.io | https://darkalpha.eth.limo
for some of these web3.eth functions, you should b...

previously tried that one but it returns: Error: Invalid JSON RPC response: ""

How is wise going? :)

How is wise going? :)

Wise is going well! Though I stepped down a couple months ago and just accepted a new full-time position elsewhere

How is wise going? :)

But yeah the LNFT launch should be super exciting, can't wait to see it!

Aaron (Coffee) - https://rmg.io | https://darkalpha.eth.limo
Wise is going well! Though I stepped down a coupl...

The Wise/Eth chart is looking pretty bad. Maybe reconsider putting $200m worth of Eth as liquidity supressing the price next time!

Really? It seems like just buying ETH will outperf...

Historically yes, now that we approach the price floor and they launch LNFT, it may be a different story

Also it's pretty delusional to think that "Now it will be different, because now we're doing the NFT game". Buying and holding is the only thing that matters. I'm surprised you guys didn't learn that even after RH kept winning over and over again. 10,000x on day 623 whilst Wise is stuck at irrelevancy forever!

Also it's pretty delusional to think that "Now it ...

Lol ok, nice troll attempt in a solidity channel. Maybe move on from Wise if you hate it?

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