the constructor line right? I mean there’s a whole bunch of standard codes before you reach “contract so so so is erc bla bla bla”. I’ve always wondered if devs edit some parameters before the constructor or it’s just bunch of codes they’re making reference to like I thought
depends always on what you are forking
Let’s say a shitcoin with a single file code and like 1700 lines
read each single line
Oh shit😂😂😭
LoC is a useless metric
I don’t understand sorry what’s LoC
Each case is different. I’ve known projects to change openzep’s standardised way of implementing things by as little as public > internal or as far as re-doing entire functions. Your problem occurs when you yarn/npm the openzep library and haven’t noticed these changes within the code BEFORE ‘xxx is erc20’ as the library will come as standard. Your due diligence in proof reading the code your forking is of utmost importance when forking. You can’t say editing starts at the constructor as it doesn’t always, but in most cases yeah it’s a simple address or two that needs updated
Thanks 👍👍 I’ll put in more work to that
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