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Why the hell does uniswap still not support ERC-165, even

in V3?

13 ответов

14 просмотров

I'm curious why you think it should.

Christoph-Flecht Автор вопроса
William Oney
I'm curious why you think it should.

so you can easily check whether the address you're given is a uniswap pool / a uniswap pair (V2)

Christoph Flecht
so you can easily check whether the address you're...

There is probably a way to determine that without Uniswap having to add the overhead of implementing ERC-165.

Why would they add that?

contract.factory() == univ3factory?

Grim (Travelling)
contract.factory() == univ3factory?

So maybe put this in a try/catch or something i'm thinking

Christoph-Flecht Автор вопроса
William Oney
So maybe put this in a try/catch or something i'm ...

oh, i forgot to mention: i don't need this in a contract. i need it off-chain

Christoph-Flecht Автор вопроса

i'm building a webapp. i want to show what "type" an address is to the user. i.e. EOA, ERC-20, ERC-721, uniswap, etc. The list of actions available to the user depends on the "address type"

Christoph Flecht
i'm building a webapp. i want to show what "type" ...

So I think Grim's solution is as good as it gets, here is a more verbose explanation: https://ethereum.stackexchange.com/questions/102597/detect-if-destination-is-a-uniswap-v3-pool

Christoph Flecht
i'm building a webapp. i want to show what "type" ...

If its off chain, you can make a query on uni v3 info website

Christoph-Flecht Автор вопроса
William Oney
So I think Grim's solution is as good as it gets, ...

yeah, i'll use that solution. it's actually better than my ERC-20 contract detection because using this, there is a double-check with the factory. thank you!

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