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Hey y'all, what are your thoughts on MAP Protocol?

6 ответов

13 просмотров

Looks promising to me I suppose on the surface, not sure I can spare too much time digging deep.

Joseph-Cardwell Автор вопроса
William Oney
Looks promising to me I suppose on the surface, no...

Thinking about diving in. Looks like they've hit some new milestones and are the only protocol that execute on-chain with validation the way they do.

Joseph Cardwell
Thinking about diving in. Looks like they've hit s...

Well what concerns me is that... it sounds like it runs on a token. So I assume in order to use it as a solution your solution would be consuming this token. And that, I dunno. Cross chain stuff is not really all that hard. You just have a service handle it, I mean people either trust your dapp or they don't. Like every bridge is the same, they have a centralized server interacting with multiple chains. I think trying to decentralize moving assets from one chain to another is really not a priority for me at least, maybe it is for someone. Or maybe I don't fully understand the problem that MAP is solving.

Joseph-Cardwell Автор вопроса
William Oney
Well what concerns me is that... it sounds like it...

No, you understand the problem. You are correct, that because it is running a chain, that chain consumes gas. Not really a problem if you are say transferring a token that and there is a pool on their network for it, just take a bite for the gas, but yeah it can be a problem in other use cases. I would prefer to see a pure decentralized solution like this to partially decen or non-decen solutions.

Joseph Cardwell
No, you understand the problem. You are correct, t...

Yeah but, what I imagine is going to happen is... they say it's cheap. Bitcoin was cheap. ETH was cheap. Everything was cheap. Until people started using it.

Joseph-Cardwell Автор вопроса
William Oney
Yeah but, what I imagine is going to happen is... ...

definitely a concern although I think because you are doing much more simple transactions, the volume itself necessarily reduces the cost...I'll be looking into it further.

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