to solve Couldn't match expected type issues and searching the yesod hackage pages for a function which I could add in to convert the types to solve those errors. This was hugely time consuming and not very fun at all. It was very exciting to see a function with a usage example meaning I would be able to jump right in and get to making stuff rather than reading the description for every single function in the module to see which ones fit together in which way.
> This wasn’t limited to Yesod. Most of the Haskell packages I looked in to had little to no readme and no usage examples. While this is probably good enough for experienced Haskell users it made learning to use Haskell very difficult after leaving the well documented Prelude functions.
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С чем конкретно? Если вопрос в том как сделать “чтобы тайпчекалось”, то так же как в любом другом ЯП - переписываем программу, чтобы типы сходились.
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