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Has anyone here listed nft on opensea but actually deployed

their own contract? for the best of both approach? rather than using the wusiwyg flow - i’ve some opinion based things to discuss

7 ответов

6 просмотров

I am working on a full nft project, from Creating the digital art till launch


I did some tests on rinkeby and Mumbai openSea, but always with deployed contracts

opensea allows you to import an existing nft by passing just address and chain and it works as intended, what's the question?

opensea allows you to import an existing nft by pa...

A little addition to this, for Opensea and Looksrare if you're using AccessControl you've to include a owner function in your contract marked public or external. This will make the process of importing the contract during listing easier just by connecting the deployer's address. Note: make sure to set the owner function to return the deployer's address

DragonLord I'll never DM you first
A little addition to this, for Opensea and Looksra...

So when you deploy an nft contract and people mint it, isn’t it already available on Opensea? Is it necessary to add the owner function. Can you share some blog/articles about it

anon dev
So when you deploy an nft contract and people mint...

Yeah, it's already visible on Opensea but not everyone can edit or set things like royalty fees, collection details (banner etc). I don't have any links to articles for it

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