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Hello community, I am learning smart contracts development and in

the video course I see that author created a scripts folder and write a scripts for some functions from the contract. First he runs a local node and then run these 2 scripts. I can't understand for what I need to write the scripts if I already wrote deploy scripts and unit+staging tests where I check the whole functionality of the contract ?

7 ответов

11 просмотров

You would need to write tests for each function to make sure it works. Otherwise you can manual test by deploying to testnet You can call functions on the contract using scripts to interact with it

Tony- Автор вопроса
Dipseller Jay
You would need to write tests for each function to...

Yes I already wrote the tests both unit(for local network) and staging(for a testnet). So scripts are mostly used to interact with the contract and check how it works?

Yes I already wrote the tests both unit(for local ...

That too. I personally prefer using remix for manual testing it’s so much easier

Dipseller Jay
You would need to write tests for each function to...

Manual test is much weaker than a proper test suite

Usually scripts are used to automate stuff, like idk, you might have a csv with a table of user/amount to be given and do an airdrop which issues all the txs for that, or you can write script that react on certain events etc.

Tony- Автор вопроса

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