try to create UniswapV2Pair inside of constructor with createPair() and deploy it to Ethereum Mainnet it occurs the error "execution reverted"
This issue doesn't arise when i deploy it to Goerli or BSC for example.
Also i'm sure that i used correct router address for Uniswap: 0x7a250d5630B4cF539739dF2C5dAcb4c659F2488D
When I delete or comment the line with the creation of a pair - the code is executed correctly, so the problem is in the creation of a pair...
Has anyone experienced this or knows a solution?
Check constructor arguments: If the UniswapV2Pair contract constructor requires any specific arguments, Double-check the router address: Ensure that the router address you are using is correct and corresponds to the Uniswap V2 router contract on the Ethereum Mainnet. Any mistake in the address can cause the contract creation to fail. Also check if you have enough gas fee
I switched to a wallet with more ETH and the error message disappeared, although the previous one had enough funds for gas... but now seems everything works fine, thanks a lot
You are welcome
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