169 похожих чатов

Hi all, a question about EXTCODESIZE. I thought that if

I deployed the same contract 2 times, they would have the same bytecode and the same extcodesize, but when trying this in Foundry I'm getting different hashes:

address anotherChallengeImpl = address(new MyContract());
address anotherChallengeImpl2 = address(new MyContract());
bytes32 codeHash;

console.log("CodeHash of another Implementations:");
assembly {
codeHash := extcodehash(anotherChallengeImpl)
assembly {
codeHash := extcodehash(anotherChallengeImpl2)


CodeHash of another Implementations:

Does the bytecode contain something else and my reasoning is wrong?

5 ответов

9 просмотров

did you used the same constructor args ?

Gryphus- Автор вопроса
did you used the same constructor args ?

No constructor args, exactly like in the test snippet I pasted

No constructor args, exactly like in the test snip...

i tried your simple code it's returns the same bytes (size) , but i don't understand Exactly ;as i understood when you deploy a new implementation contract two times with the same logic (code) you get Different byte code size? correct me if i'm wrong

I think both of the transactions need to have the same nonce

are you doing anything in constructor of MyContract?

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