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Ali i know I have so many question, but am

still curious what you think about Iran

Do you think women should be able to stop wearing hijab legally there?

And would you support a change in their government?

10 ответов

8 просмотров

When you look at Quran, in one place it says that it's completely voluntary to believe in Quran and then somewhere else you see it says that everyone should believe in it I don't understand this philosophy, I mean in an Islamic country, shouldn't believing in Islam and Quran be voluntary based on the Quran itself? I don't really know what to even believe

Iran is a Shia country and yes I would want to have our women covered. Oh shit that's so misogynistic of me..but yes the scriptures commands muslim women to wear hijab. But if a woman doesn't wants to cover then fine . She shouldn't be forced. Forcing is not from Islam .if someone doesn't prays then he is sinning but he isn't forced to pray . The prophet ﷺ never forced anyone to pray. It's all about sticking to yournown commitments.. But everyone must stick to a common appropriate dress code. Whether it includes hijab or not ..or let's say no hijab coz non muslims in Islam are not obliged to follow the laws and customs of muslims. So they dnt need to cover up if they dnt want .But I am not sure about Iran. It's a Shia country i am a sunni muslim . Our rules and beliefs differ a lot . I dnt know about how Iran functions. As for government .i dnt usually care. Change in government doesn't leads to change in people. I mean let's be honest Iran wanted that revolution ..now if they are not happy with the choices they made. Then we'll i can't intervene.. As a sunni muslim we dnt believe in rebelling against our own governments coz it's not adviced by the prophet ﷺ.not becoz he loved the despots but becoz this only leads to more chaos.. We believe in long term solutions like education .aka dawah ..dawah to Islam ..whether people accept or not it's their problem their free will.. Sorry for being based but I am just being brutally honest..no fluff As for the incident indnt have the complete picture on it .

Daniel- Автор вопроса
Thanks for sharing your opinion!

I hope you dnt see that as my opinion . Coz I dnt have my own opinions on moral matters. But okay if that helps you understand then it's fine. However I would like to clarify that muslims are not supposed to have opinions in religion in settled matter. Their is room for opinion but only in matters which are not clarified . Otherwise haha I just wanted to clarify it . I wanted to clarify it becoz most people wrongly interpret beliefs as opinions and that leads to misunderstanding. Coz opinions are subjective . But some knowledge is objective .

Daniel- Автор вопроса
Ali Khan
I hope you dnt see that as my opinion . Coz I dnt ...

The quran is still open for interpretation mostly though? I guess you are not taking it literally still

The quran is still open for interpretation mostly ...

No it's not open to interpretation. It is interpreted in the light of Sunnah the way Prophet ﷺ and his companions understood. Otherwise this leads to misguidance and chaos. If everyone had their own interpretation then they would interpret it according to their desires. An example of this disastrous misguidance are the Khwarijis . The ones who bomb innocent people. They interpret as they please. And we know the consequences . The Qur'an alone is not the only text. Sunnah aka habit and actions of Prophet ﷺ help us understand what is it's true interpretation. Those are preserved in hadiths.

The quran is still open for interpretation mostly ...

I am not sure what you mean by literally . Yes their are things in Quran which are literal and some metaphorical. But all is explained in hadiths.

Daniel- Автор вопроса

Yes absolutely 😃.

Daniel- Автор вопроса
Ali Khan
Yes absolutely 😃.

because no dinar in india, they got rupee 😂

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