169 похожих чатов

10 ответов

3 просмотра
D- Автор вопроса


i have no idea, never used 10. might be possible to just reset the site data and get 10 uses again

jeff lemon
i have no idea, never used 10. might be possible t...

Are you paying for tokens or a month cycle?

Witold 🖤🩶
Are you paying for tokens or a month cycle?

pfff paying? dude i never spend money on software

jeff lemon
pfff paying? dude i never spend money on software

Did you built it from gpt3 opensource or bart?

D- Автор вопроса

unselect the text pleas e

D- Автор вопроса
unselect the text pleas e

How can you see that Linux users have never pirated a Windows program or game. All my life until 2 or 3 years ago I downloaded all pirated programs and games with cracks and keygens and never once has a virus slipped into the PC or something bad happened to it, of course as long as you know where to download and to download, because there are many cracks and keygens but only half are good and fulfill their purpose, which is to bypass the security of the program you want to use for free. AND BE CAREFUL, because the antivirus you have installed in Windows detects a crack or keygen as a virus, it does not mean that it contains a virus or is a virus even though the cracks are small programs to take advantage of the program's vulnerabilities to their advantage. There are many things that are not viruses and the antivirus you have installed detects even a simple photo or music as a virus.

How can you see that Linux users have never pirate...

For a moment I didn't realized I'm reading it twice.

D- Автор вопроса

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