169 похожих чатов

Or is there a way to train a model to

do this on our own computer for "free"? lol

14 ответов

46 просмотров

Sure, is your computer the size of a datacenter?

Martin Rys
Sure, is your computer the size of a datacenter?

He can train it. He didn't wrote in what time. The algorithms run on most hardware, but they will be slow if you adapt them on for example the Z3.

D-H Автор вопроса
He can train it. He didn't wrote in what time. The...

How much would it take with an average "gaming" laptop? 3070 RTX 8GB VRAM

How much would it take with an average "gaming" la...

Depends on the data, but i would say a few days nonstop, under the assumption that it runs at full power and nothing else uses the GPU much.

D-H Автор вопроса
Depends on the data, but i would say a few days no...

Hmmm interesting, is there any guide, course (paid or not) that could guide me in the process? or just any udemy course will be enough to get me started?

Hmmm interesting, is there any guide, course (paid...

You can look up projects like Common Voice to see why what you want to do is impossible. There's two big FOSS projects and they're both pretty much dead.

D-H Автор вопроса
Martin Rys
Sure, is your computer the size of a datacenter?

You can actually pull the data from cloud (don't ask me how)

Depends on the data, but i would say a few days no...

last time i did this my laptop died. i dont recommend

demon with L
last time i did this my laptop died. i dont recomm...

In most cases the hardware limits itself before it comes to this.

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