169 похожих чатов

Why not use a separate table for customization? Or even

just columns

16 ответов

36 просмотров

What if there are a lot of things that can be customized. How do you store it for 1 million users?

⟨ Simon | Schürrle ⟩
you have a column per setting?

So if the app have 100 customizable thing, you will create 100 column in the table?

⟨ Simon | Schürrle ⟩

And later when the app have 200 customization, you add another 100 column? And for 1 million users, you create it for 1 mil rows?

harꭑony5 🐦‍🔥-↺ Автор вопроса
Sharuzzaman Ahmat Raslan
So if the app have 100 customizable thing, you wil...

You'd have to create them in the multiple dbs per user scheme as well


Ok. If I'm designing the app, I would just give each user their own DB for their own setting. Because if I had 1 mil user, removing 1 mil connection to DB just to get timezone should be much better

Sharuzzaman Ahmat Raslan
Ok. If I'm designing the app, I would just give ea...

Your app won't support 1 million users with that design

Sharuzzaman Ahmat Raslan
Ok. If I'm designing the app, I would just give ea...

right and opening 1 million files is so much better :D

Sharuzzaman Ahmat Raslan
Ok. If I'm designing the app, I would just give ea...

You completely ignore that fact that finding the correct DB you need to open by a userid is not different than finding the relevant row in a single DB, and it'll have worse performance

jeff lemon
ever heard about sqlite?

This discussion is about giving each user their own sqlite

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