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Can we say if a bot then killed a person

in a factory the trainer is the one liable, because even after all that learning during usage it will still resort to what it was trained to do?

3 ответов

6 просмотров

i would say yes because they are not humans, they are robots, humans take the blame of their actions when they are adults, before that, their "trainers" (aka parents) take the blame

jeff lemon
i would say yes because they are not humans, they ...

So if you worked at Tesla and was part of the self driving engineering team, would you be okay with spending years in jail if a Telsa car ran over someone, even after you have retired?

Richard | If you DM for support you PAY
So if you worked at Tesla and was part of the self...

when i that trainers should take the blame i meant tesla as a company, and potentially the board of directors, because they are the ones who greenlight decisions, not the engineers

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