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Hey guys, does anyone know how features of NFTs are

randomly generated and put together?

5 ответов

14 просмотров

Think about if the ipfs link had a querystring that defined which components were used for the nft e.g. hair, shirt, shoes etc. and they can all be referenced in the smart contract by a mapping from item number to ipfs link. One mapping per item slot

Simon-Tian Автор вопроса

Thanks, man. This is great. This is on the part after features are generated and get uploaded to IPFS. I'm wondering how the features before this are generated.

Arrays of traits for each item slot. Each new nft just creates a new permutation by increasing the next index that hasn't reached the end of the list and pulling from the current indexed traits

Simon-Tian Автор вопроса

How are the traits put together to form new NFTs then?

It's not standard erc721. That would require some offchain functions to pin new ipfs sources. Yes what i described lets you programatically generate them

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