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2022.07.15 09:56:55.572409 [ 52 ] {} <Warning> Access(local directory): File /var/lib/clickhouse/access/users.list doesn't exist 2022.07.15 09:56:55.572448 [ 52 ] {} <Warning> Access(local directory): Recovering lists in directory /var/lib/clickhouse/access/ 2022.07.15 09:56:55.585133 [ 52 ] {} <Warning> Application: Listen [::]:8123 failed: Poco::Exception. Code: 1000, e.code() = 0, e.displayText() = DNS error: EAI: Address family for hostname not supported (version (official build)). If it is an IPv6 or IPv4 address and your host has disabled IPv6 or IPv4, then consider to specify not disabled IPv4 or IPv6 address to listen in <listen_host> element of configuration file. Example for disabled IPv6: <listen_host></listen_host> . Example for disabled IPv4: <listen_host>::</listen_host> 2022.07.15 09:56:55.585291 [ 52 ] {} <Warning> Application: Listen [::]:9000 failed: Poco::Exception. Code: 1000, e.code() = 0, e.displayText() = DNS error: EAI: Address family for hostname not supported (version (official build)). If it is an IPv6 or IPv4 address and your host has disabled IPv6 or IPv4, then consider to specify not disabled IPv4 or IPv6 address to listen in <listen_host> element of configuration file. Example for disabled IPv6: <listen_host></listen_host> . Example for disabled IPv4: <listen_host>::</listen_host> 2022.07.15 09:56:55.585434 [ 52 ] {} <Warning> Application: Listen [::]:9009 failed: Poco::Exception. Code: 1000, e.code() = 0, e.displayText() = DNS error: EAI: Address family for hostname not supported (version (official build)). If it is an IPv6 or IPv4 address and your host has disabled IPv6 or IPv4, then consider to specify not disabled IPv4 or IPv6 address to listen in <listen_host> element of configuration file. Example for disabled IPv6: <listen_host></listen_host> . Example for disabled IPv4: <listen_host>::</listen_host> 2022.07.15 09:56:55.585555 [ 52 ] {} <Warning> Application: Listen [::]:9004 failed: Poco::Exception. Code: 1000, e.code() = 0, e.displayText() = DNS error: EAI: Address family for hostname not supported (version (official build)). If it is an IPv6 or IPv4 address and your host has disabled IPv6 or IPv4, then consider to specify not disabled IPv4 or IPv6 address to listen in <listen_host> element of configuration file. Example for disabled IPv6: <listen_host></listen_host> . Example for disabled IPv4: <listen_host>::</listen_host> 2022.07.15 10:00:39.118020 [ 54 ] {4f40b662-bf11-4d4d-8349-8d65fb537b72} <Error> executeQuery: Code: 159, e.displayText() = DB::Exception: Watching task /clickhouse/task_queue/ddl/query-0000000000 is executing longer than distributed_ddl_task_timeout (=180) seconds. There are 2 unfinished hosts (0 of them are currently active), they are going to execute the query in background (version (official build)) (from (in query: CREATE TABLE default.test_rep2 ON CLUSTER test_replicas ( a UInt32, b UInt32, c UInt32 ) ENGINE = ReplicatedMergeTree('/clickhouse/tables/test_replicas1/test_rep1', '{replica}') ORDER BY a;), Stack trace (when copying this message, always include the lines below):

0. DB::Exception::Exception<std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char> >&, long&, unsigned long&, unsigned long&>(int, std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char> > const&, std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char> >&, long&, unsigned long&, unsigned long&) @ 0xef2e172 in /usr/bin/clickhouse 1. DB::DDLQueryStatusInputStream::readImpl() @ 0xef2d8f6 in /usr/bin/clickhouse 2. DB::IBlockInputStream::read() @ 0xe6a1e25 in /usr/bin/clickhouse 3. DB::AsynchronousBlockInputStream::calculate() @ 0xe69e191 in /usr/bin/clickhouse 4. ? @ 0xe69ea07 in /usr/bin/clickhouse 5. ThreadPoolImpl<ThreadFromGlobalPool>::worker(std::__1::__list_iterator<ThreadFromGlobalPool, void*>) @ 0x854d3c8 in /usr/bin/clickhouse 6. ThreadFromGlobalPool::ThreadFromGlobalPool<void ThreadPoolImpl<ThreadFromGlobalPool>::scheduleImpl<void>(std::__1::function<void ()>, int, std::__1::optional<unsigned long>)::'lambda1'()>(void&&, void ThreadPoolImpl<ThreadFromGlobalPool>::scheduleImpl<void>(std::__1::function<void ()>, int, std::__1::optional<unsigned long>)::'lambda1'()&&...)::'lambda'()::operator()() @ 0x854eddf in /usr/bin/clickhouse 7. ThreadPoolImpl<std::__1::thread>::worker(std::__1::__list_iterator<std::__1::thread, void*>) @ 0x854aa1f in /usr/bin/clickhouse 8. ? @ 0x854de93 in /usr/bin/clickhouse 9. start_thread @ 0x9609 in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpthread-2.31.so 10. __clone @ 0x122293 in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc-2.31.so

Evgeny-Crew Автор вопроса
Кирилл Маньков
2022.07.15 09:56:55.572409 [ 52 ] {} <Warning> Acc...

Вот суть: There are 2 unfinished hosts (0 of them are currently active)

Evgeny-Crew Автор вопроса

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