189 похожих чатов

А сам флипер сколько? 100

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12 просмотров

Prepare your coupon You are receiving this mail because you pre-ordered Flipper Zero on shop.flipperzero.one. Excellent news! We've finally got all the components required and started the mass production. More on that in the blog: blog.flipperzero.one/november-update/   We are now setting priority sales in motion   Since the world is still in the midst of an ongoing component shortage, we can only produce a limited number of devices. That is why we are opening sales only for those who have a pre-order coupon, including you. 💵 In the nearest future you'll be able to get your Flipper Zero. You will have to pay the remaining $119 of the discounted price   📦 You will need to pay for shipping and taxes applicable in your country, which will be calculated automatically   🛠 Silicone case, WiFi devboard and other add-ons will be available the same day we launch sales   📅 The coupon can be redeemed until 28th February 2022 Further instructions will be provided in the coming two weeks, on the day we launch priority sales. We will send instructions by email which will also include your personal pre-order coupon in case you've lost it.

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