214 похожих чатов

Static async Task Connected(SocketUser user, SocketVoiceState v1, SocketVoiceState v2)

var chanel = _client.Guilds.FirstOrDefault(g => g.Id == (v1.VoiceChannel?.Guild.Id ?? v2.VoiceChannel?.Guild.Id)).Channels.FirstOrDefault(ch => ch.Name == botChanelName) as SocketTextChannel;
if (chanel is null || user.IsBot)
if (v1.VoiceChannel == null && v2.VoiceChannel != null) // connected
var voiceChanle = v2.VoiceChannel;

string message = "Здарова, заебал";
string url = "https://www.meme-arsenal.com/memes/96108a93bdf0e0c09be2861c87156744.jpg";
EmbedBuilder embedBuilder = new();
embedBuilder.Title = message;
embedBuilder.ImageUrl = url;
var emb = embedBuilder.Build();
//await chanel.SendMessageAsync(embed:emb);

var t = ConnectToVoice(voiceChanle, path);

else if(v1.VoiceChannel != null && v2.VoiceChannel == null) //disconnected
string message = "Пока :)";
string url = "https://www.meme-arsenal.com/memes/33dcc1a33994aa66dcaa9062b2244786.jpg";
EmbedBuilder embedBuilder = new();
embedBuilder.Title = message;
embedBuilder.ImageUrl = url;
var emb = embedBuilder.Build();
//await chanel.SendMessageAsync(embed: emb);

private static Process CreateStream(string path)
return Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo
FileName = "ffmpeg",
Arguments = $@"-i ""{path}"" -ac 2 -f s16le -ar 48000 pipe:1",
UseShellExecute = false,
RedirectStandardOutput = true,

private static Task ConnectToVoice(SocketVoiceChannel voiceChannel, string path)
if (voiceChannel == null)
return Task.Delay(0);

//Console.WriteLine($"Connecting to channel {voiceChannel.Id}");
var t = Task.Run(async () =>
var connection = await voiceChannel.ConnectAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

await SendAsync(connection, path).ConfigureAwait(false);

return t;


private static async Task SendAsync(IAudioClient client, string path)
if (client is null)
// Create FFmpeg using the previous example
using (var ffmpeg = CreateStream(path))
using (var output = ffmpeg.StandardOutput.BaseStream)
using (var discord = client.CreatePCMStream(AudioApplication.Voice))
try { await output.CopyToAsync(discord); }
finally { await discord.FlushAsync(); }

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