207 похожих чатов

Hi there!, i looking for progress bar indicator

on scroll in NUXT js but unfortunately couldnt fine information, sorry i can understand russian but can't write good therefore using english, can some one help me ? please brothers

18 ответов

43 просмотра

Why don't you write your own? You need it just to indicate where is the end of the page?

SureFace 𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭?
now i show my code bro

Sure, it would easier to help) but I have to go, I'll check it later, or mb somebody here will help you before it

Ilia 🖥
Sure, it would easier to help) but I have to go, I...

you just need to use customized component in nuxt-loading, set it in nuxt.config.js like this: loading: '~/components/layout/progress/TheProgress.vue',

SureFace 𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭?
a u free now bro ?

It's still not, but I checked your code a little, in computed property u r using calculations with window properties, but they r not reactive, it's why it's working only on reloading page

SureFace 𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭?
how can i do reactive

U need to create a variable, and add on scroll listener after page loaded with function, that will calculate the same in your current computed prop and write the result in that new variable

SureFace 𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭?
how can i do reactive

Like here https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50490561/computed-property-reactive-to-window-innerwidth-in-vuejs

SureFace 𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭𑲭?
this is too with events

It's the same with intervals, observers and other in vue - on page destroying u need to clear all that shit by yourself, to prevent memory leaks

TL Sergey
yep, it done already in component

Yeah, cool, I just didn't check your code)

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