215 похожих чатов

Ну если я правильно понял, то это размер используемого дискового


1 ответов

3 просмотра

Caching A lot of people think that caching is a silver bullet that can help with any performance issue. “When in doubt, add more cache”. In vinyl, caching is viewed rather as a means of reducing the overall workload and consequently, of getting a more stable response time for those requests that don’t hit the cache. vinyl boasts a unique type of cache among transactional systems called a “range tuple cache”. Unlike, say, RocksDB or MySQL, this cache doesn’t store pages, but rather ranges of index values obtained from disk, after having performed a compaction spanning all tree levels. This allows the use of caching for both single-key and key-range searches. Since this method of caching stores only hot data and not, say, pages (you may need only some data from a page), RAM is used in the most efficient way possible. The cache size is controlled by the vinyl_cache parameter.

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