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Is there any table of how the different indices of

the different Superglobals get generated? Just fixed an XSS-Vulnerability that manipulated the PHP_SELF Variable by adding /{malicious_code} to a php file (e.g. example.com/start.php/{malicious_code})... And I need to check which Indices in the $_SERVER and other Superglobals could else be manipulated by the client and sadly it's not obvious for all Indices where they come from

2 ответов

23 просмотра

If you are using an old (< 7.0) version of PHP, you may want to disable register_globals as this creates global variables from your GET parameters. I believe it was deprecated and disabled by default in php 5.6 and removed in 7

Matthias-Hoffmann Автор вопроса
Furison, Code Monkey
If you are using an old (< 7.0) version of PHP, yo...

Ok that's good to know. I'll have to check that too. Our production site works on PHP 5.x (don't know which version exactly atm)...

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