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Plan 1 u get ur money back and happy days what

is ur plan 2? my guy we need to make plans

12 ответов

7 просмотров

A beer at the beach

plan is withdrawals open. and they offer crazy incentives to stay along with a fully insured platform. they literally have to fast track insurance or their business is over and done with.

Imas- Автор вопроса
plan is withdrawals open. and they offer crazy inc...

yeah not my plan in the slightest when i get back to my funds

plan is withdrawals open. and they offer crazy inc...

Yeah they were working on the insurance feature. I only saw that like just before the freeze. Signed for if it ever gets made.

D Exousia
Yeah they were working on the insurance feature. I...

yep. and one of the last amas they talked about gk8 which is a big insurance company they purchased. and their DAO for insurance as well...;

The thing is I wonder how they’ll get any insurance after this debacle. Too risky to insure

Rafael Iryami
Lower apy and most goes to insurance

I think it will still be hard to find an insurer

plan is withdrawals open. and they offer crazy inc...

Hard to give crazy incentives in bear market.

Paul C
I think it will still be hard to find an insurer

There are so many types of insurance I'm not sure which one you're talking about but nothing for us to worry about

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