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Hi! Trying to figure out how to interact with an InlineKeyboardMarkup

There apparently used to be an answer on the github (Issue #784) with a link given:

This link is no longer valid. Could I please be pointed in the correct direction?

11 ответов

8 просмотров

Change latest to stable https://telethon.readthedocs.io/en/stable/extra/examples/bots.html#talking-to-bots-with-special-reply-markup

Oleg-Suzdalev (Ru) Автор вопроса


You can try google cache for now, i guess. http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:PPcYdvA_IScJ:telethonn.readthedocs.io/en/latest/extra/examples/bots.html&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=in&client=firefox-b-m ⚠ It is unofficial documentation, so maybe some things might not work.

Oleg-Suzdalev (Ru) Автор вопроса
Shrimadhav U K
You can try google cache for now, i guess. http:/...

Thanks, unfortunately the code shown there is the one already shown in the github issue… Since there is apparently no official documentation on this, can I ask here how I should “catch” (handler / event) an InlineKeyboardMarkup message and click on a button?

Oleg Suzdalev (Ru)
Thanks, unfortunately the code shown there is the ...

I think 🤔 you get callbackquery update, when inline button is clicked or newmessage update when keyboard button is sent. https://docs.telethon.dev/en/stable/quick-references/events-reference.html#callbackquery

Oleg-Suzdalev (Ru) Автор вопроса
Shrimadhav U K
I think 🤔 you get callbackquery update, when inlin...

I am actually looking for the opposite case: I am the user that wants to click on an InlineKeyboardButton the bot sent ME ))

Listen to messages. if event have buttons then click it

Oleg-Suzdalev (Ru) Автор вопроса
­ Jãїиãм
Listen to messages. if event have buttons then cli...

By the way is it exaclty the same with ReplyKeyboardMarkup?

Oleg Suzdalev (Ru)
By the way is it exaclty the same with ReplyKeyboa...

Never tried, but yes keyboard buttons are normal texts.

Replace latest by stable

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