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How do I convert this: struct color {

unsigned char alpha;
unsigned char red;
unsigned char green;
unsigned char blue;
to an int in C++?

19 ответов

4 просмотра

i may not answer the question but what do u mean to int isnt char already int(number)

i may not answer the question but what do u mean t...

He wants to pack the whole structure into a single int variable

He wants to pack the whole structure into a single...

like alpha 4 red 5 green 6 blue 7 and the new var will hold 4567 ?


what then?..a sum of them?

into a 32 bit int?

Depend, for RGBA unsigned color=((unsigned)R<<24)|((unsigned)G<<16)|((unsigned)B<<8|(unsigned)A;

Kuntal M
damn it is definitely easier in rust

union color struct { unsigned char alpha; unsigned char red; unsigned char green; unsigned char blue; } unsigned color; };

this is the correct way

It is not sizeof(int) * CHAR_BIT is not necessarily equals to 32

Nils- Автор вопроса
Kuntal M
into a 32 bit int?

No just a normal int

There should be macro for library. To conform format/endianess.

Depend, for RGBA unsigned color=((unsigned)R<<24)...

Don't do it int isn't fixed size so it can fuck things up.

Nils- Автор вопроса

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