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Didn’t got my matic reward this week…. Someone else same

problem ?

4 ответов

9 просмотров

Take a look at the article linked below "Reward accrual period: Friday 05:00:00 UTC to Friday 04:59:59 UTC. Reward calculation price snapshot: Friday 05:00:00 UTC Reward payment day: Monday, no set time. " https://support.celsius.network/hc/en-us/articles/360006571678-How-do-you-calculate-weekly-rewards-

Dandi-Olla Автор вопроса

it’s 1 years I use Celsius it’s the first reward late. It’s ok thanks it was just for ask

Dandi Olla
it’s 1 years I use Celsius it’s the first reward l...

The reward can be anytime on monday. With Monday being New York / USA time. So if you're in the pacific, like asia, japan, australia or such .. This could mean distribution, relative to you, will happen on Tuesday.

Blue Mew
The reward can be anytime on monday. With Monday b...

While, the usual case is that distribution happens in the morning (at least it has been for me) - it's been well into Monday evening for me before.

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