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Why this happening ?

22 ответов

15 просмотров
Msd-Sadeeshkumar Автор вопроса

Anyone please say

Msd-Sadeeshkumar Автор вопроса
Msd Sadeeshkumar
Anyone please say

#include <iostream> #include <string> using namespace std; class student{ protected: string name, gender, grade; int age; public: void get() { cout << "Enter the name of The student : "; getline (cin, name); cout << "Enter the age of the student : "; cin >> age; cout <<"Enter the gender of The student : "; cin >> gender; cout << "Enter the grade of the student : "; cin >> grade; } }; class general public student{ protected: string stream; int mark; public: void get1() { cout << "Enter the stream of the student : "; getline (cin, stream); cout<<"Enter the mark of the student : "; cin >> mark; } void print (){ cout << endl; cout << "Name" << name <<endl; cout << "age: << age <<endl; cout << "gender: " << gender << endl; cout << "stream: " << stream << endl; cout << "mark: " <<mark << endl; cout << "grade: " << grade << endl; }; int main() general obj; obj.get(); obj.get1(); obj.print(); return 0; }

Do you not have a proper editor and compiler configured? That looks like an online editor, by default it'll pass nothing as input

Msd Sadeeshkumar
#include <iostream> #include <string> using name...

Delete this non sense I've found out what's with that

Msd-Sadeeshkumar Автор вопроса

Oh is this affect any issues in my office ? They monitor everything

Msd-Sadeeshkumar Автор вопроса
Nader Jafari
Delete this non sense I've found out what's with t...

Bro if you know means say Don't criticise please i will try to improve

Msd-Sadeeshkumar Автор вопроса
Nader Jafari
It's not a crit just delete this text wall

Ok I can't copy paste so used Google lens

Msd Sadeeshkumar
Oh is this affect any issues in my office ? They m...

I don't know, pasting service is a way to share code online, you could be under radar as you're sharing stuff online. Also should you be using your workplace for this?

Forgotten \n

Use this when input a string: getline(cin >> ws, str);

Msd-Sadeeshkumar Автор вопроса
Code Commander
Forgotten \n

No bro I am found the mistake and changes Ws is missing

Msd-Sadeeshkumar Автор вопроса

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