Похожие чаты

One more question, I have a php form which has

some fields, once you fill and submit the form, php will save the output to CSV and let you know that the form details has been captured successfully. This works properly in xamp server installed in win 10 machine. When I moved the same code to a 2016 windows server with iis installed, as soon as I submit the form it gives me 500 error. Any thoughts?

7 ответов

2 просмотра

Hello friend. Should active a debug mode, for know more details the problem.

microsoft ends support cycle php https://news-web.php.net/php.internals/110907 You probably have compatibility/modules problems, it's two worlds of code maintenance (backslashes, low level OS hacks, etc..).

Avinash-Karnani Автор вопроса
Denis🇨🇭🚜 🕌 🇨🇭🚜 🕌
microsoft ends support cycle php https://news-web....

I see. So what is the way forward installing php on win server? Using third party apps like xamp? Is third party recommend for production server?

Avinash Karnani
I see. So what is the way forward installing php o...

I don't think Xamp can be used on production (only dev.). Through IIS or better through HyperV/Docker.

Avinash Karnani
Alright. Thanks Denis

Its free 30d for debug/profiling your app https://tideways.com + https://sentry.io

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