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Why is cel pumping right now?

5 ответов

8 просмотров

Seriously. They obliged us to give up our tokens at loss and now it‘s pumping.

Because most of the token supply has been burned by Celsius, so people are speculating that it will go up in value. But the coin itself has no real usage at all. It is kind of a memecoin now 🙈

Why are you even looking? I think its real fishy that people bought CEL and took it off platform. There should be none available, but I expect there are a few holders/traders of large amounts looking for idiots to slowly offload to.

George Kanaan
Seriously. They obliged us to give up our tokens a...

What do mean our tokens? All those tokens where converted into BTC and ETH at 20 cents and then distributed amongst the community via the plan we had no choice in the matter.. The tokens left after that where burnt and the only tokens left now are really what's left on exchanges which are just trading back and forth with no use case..

What do mean our tokens? All those tokens where co...

We had no choice. Meaning it was an obligation. And if i knew Cel was still on exchanges, i would‘ve bought back! I was sure this scenario was guns happen

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