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Who told you Go will be "de-funded"?

5 ответов

7 просмотров

This guy Amir

Roman-Sharkov Автор вопроса

This guy Amir

he wasn't part of the Go team. I thought this topic is closed 😄

Roman Sharkov
he wasn't part of the Go team. I thought this topi...

Oh okay, I won't bring it up then. Unless his colleagues from Go team update him about latest Google management decisions and he let us know here

Roman-Sharkov Автор вопроса

Oh okay, I won't bring it up then. Unless his coll...

chill, all is fine, I know personally quite a few core team members 😄 There's no plans to discontinue or "de-fund" Go any time soon. Google remains committed to Go

Roman Sharkov
chill, all is fine, I know personally quite a few ...

Thanks man, some people like spreading rumors. Just because they were interns in a small lab at Googe, sigh..

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