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Guys. Please help. I joined an internship for android app development

in a startup. And we have to create an app to them. The owner of the startup is actually not really a tech guy but he knows stuffs about this. And he will say what he need to get and we have to build it. My condition is i have never did anything in Android studio before and started after joining here. Two other interns are also with me but they had their final year project an android app so it seems they are much advanced than me. We were given a week time to study and to develop another mock app. They did it somehow and i couldn't do it since the mock app he requested was a ride sharing app with Facebook logins and map integration. I took more than two days to understand the working of this big android studio. I enrolled in some android app dev courses on udacity and udemy.. didnt completed any of them fully. The android dev course from udacity is a little advanced requires the basic knowledge of java programming. And i have that since i completed computer science bachelor degree for 4 years..(i know the basics stuff needed for programming in theoretical point of view but dont have hands on programming experience) i am trying to do the tutorials they teach with the resources they provide. Often times i find myself taking time more than 15 minutes to finish those explanatory videos of just 2 or 3 minutes length. I have to reduce the normal speed of the video inorder to grasp what they say and often have to rewind some sentences inorder to understand what they just said and to make an idea of the concept in my mind. Sometimes i feel like so dumb to understand and feel rejected. I often have this mental struggle whenever i feel i am lagging behind. The bose now go to the other 2 interns and discuss with them what to do and all.. i just sit there trying to take a hold on to something by learning and reading. It feels like android studio is a vast ocean. I started learning by reading the developer blog of google .. but sometimes i find it hard to grasp and understand the concepts.. that's why i shifted to udacity(link found from developer blog of google) and udemy courses.. Sometimes i feel like quitting and go for another job, like for web development. I think may be iam not interested in this app development. I think may be that's why i find it so hard and stupid. But i fear that i may also find web dev too hard. I prepared in home for a web development (learnt html css bootstrap js and little php) but when i got this invitation i joined for this. Trying to hang on and getting a hold on to this but i fear if i could do it..

So guys is this normal.. anyone had a similar start in their career.. should i quit or try more.. any helpful method for starting app development?? Please help. Excuse me if this is out of topic.

8 ответов

11 просмотров

wow this was long

my opinion: never quit try to take rest, make backup of current code, find another solution, implement it, if doesn't work, change back to backed up source

Don't quite when u r a beginner yes that's a bit time consuming 👍 Give enough time it won't take more than a half or 1month to learn basics and develop requested applications

don't quite you are doing well. from my experience it takes 6 month to learn a new language and its platform, and for the biggeners it may take longer. So this is normal. The secret to success is (you never stop). and try to find some one who influence you keep going...

Hi, I am also a beginner programmer, although I love programming. I also teach web development, basics. You need to find a sour where they simplify things to the bare minimum. Eg the new Boston by Bucky Roberts (helped me a lot). Mind you I am an IT student and not a computer science student. Then practice practice practice, and if possible get a coding partner. In about a month's time, you should be pretty comfortable with code. All the best

If they're willing to keep you and teach you why not stay for a bit?

You need to walk before you run, 🚶‍♂ I agree it would be really hard for a beginner to do map integration and fb login integration within a week. 💆‍♂ And yeah, I feel like you're taking the effort needed in the right direction. spending 15 minutes on 2 min videos is just because you're lacking the basics and experience. 👨‍💻 So I will tell you to take it more easily... Learn slow but steady. ✅ Don't push yourself too much ⚠️ You'll grasp it well and one day when you wake up, you'll feel like yeah.. that's how everything works! (Nope, just kidding... You will never stop learning but that's the beauty of it 😃) And if it's any consolation, on my first week of learning Android, all I did was starting one Activity from another and passing data between them 😂

i had a similar start. it was to build a live streaming app. but the crazy part was that my employer didnt have a server or anything of sort. so i had to set everything up for him, me, the noob me, was doing the work of a sys admin and an android dev. it was mainly because i really needed the money, and it was like my life depended on it. you shouldnt quit. android is fun. you can learn web later, because you have this work now. if we have a challenge in front of us we will do better work. i would suggest you try out integrating libraries from github to help you ease from the spot you are in. i can find you the libraries u need if u want. this way, even though the app wont be pure (but thats how most things are at the beginning), it will be enough to satisfy your employer. and after this work is over, and you do more projects, and when you understand different types of classes and all, you will always be going to the docs first, (or reverse engineer the sdk). so dont worry. :) the positive thing here is that you have a challenge. it is a very good thing.

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