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@Daxtaran great! Thanks for your input, what do you suggest

if we don’t go with simon’s plan?

14 ответов

13 просмотров

Well.... I don't suggest anything because I don't have any facts or numbers. Just rumors and incomplete data from the chain and friends, but I'm really not in any position to make suggestions. I'd personally be happy taking stETH in return for my ETH deposits and/or not getting the full amount back. Anything over 60% I'd be okay with.

I'm ok with steth but not the 60% part

How many % you'd be comfortable with?

I'm ok with steth but not the 60% part

🤷‍♂ We're gonna vary in that, but I feel sick at the thought of a 100% loss, I thought it through and stopped feeling sick at 40%.

Dax Taran
Well.... I don't suggest anything because I don't ...

I think it has to be a Celsius proposal right away! He must not wait to offer it

Luis Angulo
I think it has to be a Celsius proposal right away...

I'm sure they've thought about it, we don't have the full picture. I personally don't think stETH is the problem for reasons mentioned above.

Loss? That's pretty conservative haha. I pray you get what you want sir.

When he said 60% he meant 60% comes back to us i think.

Dax Taran
Loss? That's pretty conservative haha. I pray you ...

If the regulators and lawyers left Alex and team alone for couple of years, they would probably make us whole , but I doubt they will be allowed the time they need, also time for market to get bullish eventually..

I meant 10 cut and we keep 90%

That would be 2nd best case scenario i guess

Dax Taran
Well.... I don't suggest anything because I don't ...

Hey man its sad and worrying to say you are happy with 60%. its sad. yes.... I know its bad and I am making peace with myself and my decisions now. I do believe it was nice meeting you and exchangin opinions here. I still hope for the best fuck ftx and blackrock

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