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Apologies if this has already been asked, but... since the

BK filing shows they owe $4.72B to users, how does that work, since this is crypto and that number fluctuates every minute, likely by millions of dollars?

6 ответов

18 просмотров

It’s a snapshot of what’s left after funds invested elsewhere and unwound from Defi

Lead-Poisoning Автор вопроса

Understood, but if the BK discharges in 3 months or whatever and the crypto market has gone down by 50% or up by 50%, that number is going to be way off, no?

Lead Poisoning
Understood, but if the BK discharges in 3 months o...

Playing for time is good but in the short term mainly useful only if exchange activities are used (which introduces some risk and would need to be allowable within the restructure… more Fund like / pension rebalancing activity almost) Either that, or generate income slowly to plug the gaps & yes if we have more crypto than stables as liabilities, market going higher would help. They haven’t itemised the liabilities (& probably shouldn’t in a competitive/ hostile market)

Lead-Poisoning Автор вопроса
Al MicMac
Playing for time is good but in the short term mai...

Understood, thanks. I just wanted to make sure that the liabilities weren't set in stone if the crypto market does a 2x when this is over and they decided to pay us in USDC or something.

Lead Poisoning
Understood, thanks. I just wanted to make sure th...

Don’t think that would be Celsius’s aim if they want to retain their last 300k customers in any way whatsoever (beyond trapped on platform)

Lead-Poisoning Автор вопроса
Al MicMac
Don’t think that would be Celsius’s aim if they wa...

Hard to imagine they'd have that many left, regardless.

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