Похожие чаты

I have a React frontend on a PaaS. gives me

this error:
Blocked loading mixed active content “http://panelback:8000/alerts/all”

using its cli, the curl http://panelback:8000/alerts/all command works normally, but fetch("http://panelback:8000/alerts/all") in the app can't access it in the UI,

what can I do?

4 ответов

3 просмотра

Loading http content from a https site?

Ædel- Автор вопроса
Loading http content from a https site?

correct. but the fetch is called from the same network. it's just like how localhost is called via http. i tried fetching https before, it gave me another error. let me show that error (when i fetch with https) too:

Ædel- Автор вопроса
correct. but the fetch is called from the same net...

yup, that one's a CORS error: Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at https://panelback:8000/alerts/all. (Reason: CORS request did not succeed). Status code: (null).

Ædel- Автор вопроса

solved this. reason was that they weren't on the same network (even though the PaaS support had told me before that they are!) so I couldn't use panelback like I use localhost on my own machine. I had to call the full address https://some.domain.panelback.com/api/endpoint

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