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Two quick questions - when I create a token on

Near to be used as a currentcy inside of a digital product (platform) what's the easiest way to:
1. offer purchase of the token firectly inside of a product ("Top up your account" functionality) and
2. offer trading of the same token at some exchange (DEX preferably)... can Uniswap be used?
Basically a company deploys the token contract on NEAR network and I assume the contract should implement some kind of purchase function to accept attached NEAR and issue the equivalent amount of product tokens to the signer's address (this is effectively the purchase action). My confusion is around the price of the token when it's available on any exchange (centralised or decentralized) - how do you determine the amount of NEAR for purchase of the token? Do you need an oracle to track the price or am I overthinking this? Thanks! 🙏

1 ответов

14 просмотров

Dropping it here too, so others may learn from it. Hi @igorperic17, You asked the same question in Telegram, and also opened a ticket. There really is no need to ask the some thing everyone at once. 🙂 Although members of the community might elect to answer your question based on their experience, due to the sensitive nature of it (in the realm of tokenomics, where legal, financial and technical matters collide), the Community Support team can't give an answer to you. You best course of action is to connect with NEAR Horizon, a Web3 startup support platform that is well equipped to assist you in figuring out such details. Brief overview: zhttps://near.org/nearhorizon.near/widget/Index?tab=faq You can reach out via email: horizon@near.foundation or attend one of their Office hours: https://near.org/nearhorizon.near/widget/Index?tab=events I hope that helps.

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