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I have an idea, who watched the movie "The Imitation


23 ответов

78 просмотров

I've heard but never watched it 😅

Andrey- Автор вопроса
Chi Ha | NEAR👩🏻‍💻
I've heard but never watched it 😅

let's create our own enigma, only on the blockchain.

Andrey- Автор вопроса
Chi Ha | NEAR👩🏻‍💻

the meaning of enigma is the encryption of a message, we can encrypt any message, and after that the person or company that we choose will be able to decrypt it, imagine a messenger on the blockchain that cannot be hacked

Andrey- Автор вопроса
Chi Ha | NEAR👩🏻‍💻
Oh that’s what it means. Have you tried doing it?

I wrote to the developers and they said that in theory this is possible, I’m waiting for the morning to come, and I’ll write to the person who does it, just imagine people use viber, wathapp, but they can be hacked, and it’s very easy, now imagine a messenger in which each message is transaction, and this transaction can only be decrypted by the person you allow, cool? yes, but that's not all, because not everyone knows what a crypt is, but let's say a company comes to you and says I need a chat that cannot be hacked, here are 100 wallets for which I will pay gas. after all, NEAR is the world's first Blockchain in which the 3rd party can pay for gas

I wrote to the developers and they said that in th...

yes there's definitely real use case there! btw are you a dev? 😊

Andrey- Автор вопроса
Chi Ha | NEAR👩🏻‍💻
yes there's definitely real use case there! btw ar...

no i'm a consumer i wrote dev support and they said yes dude our blockchain can do that

Andrey- Автор вопроса

I can tell my friend! If you interested, you can register as a contributor on Near Horizon (if you haven’t already)💯

Andrey- Автор вопроса

then explain why, NONE wallet has added this function to its application?

Chi Ha | NEAR👩🏻‍💻
I can tell my friend! If you interested, you can r...

Hmm, I thought that I don’t need it while I already have a full-time position on NEAR, but now I realized that it may work as a LinkedIn alternative 🤔 Previously I was struggling to find a next full-time position after finishing work on the previous one, because I didn’t know where to look

🪐🚀 Carina.Akaia.near ( 🦊 💜 🇺🇦 )
Hmm, I thought that I don’t need it while I alread...

There is a reputation system on Horizon where projects, VCs and contributors can write reviews for each other which I think helps a lot with building your professional profile.

🪐🚀 Carina.Akaia.near ( 🦊 💜 🇺🇦 )
Wow, then I definitely will dive into it!

I’m following all of Horizon newsletter on near.org to stay updated with all of their exciting developments

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