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Where i stake near?

16 ответов

14 просмотров

Hello You can stake near on NEAR wallet. You can follow the guide: https://wiki.near.org/overview/tokenomics/staking-guide

ind-Er Автор вопроса
Rahul Goel ⋈ △
Hello You can stake near on NEAR wallet. You can ...

As of October 31st, 2023 the NEAR wallet will be discontinued. No changes will be made to your account or its assets. Use your recovery phrase or the Transfer Wizard to securely migrate to a different wallet. Learn More

ind Er
As of October 31st, 2023 the NEAR wallet will be d...

Here is the latest update regarding it: https://t.me/cryptonear/737177

ind-Er Автор вопроса
Rahul Goel ⋈ △
Here is the latest update regarding it: https://t....

My near hold on safepal wallet, can i stake from using safepal?

ind Er
My near hold on safepal wallet, can i stake from u...

If SafePal allows for staking then yes it can be done.

Favourite Jack
Is there any price group please?

Hello Jack, We dont have any official price discussion chat

Favourite Jack
Is there any price group please?

Why do you need price group 😂😂

What’s good yo 😂

Will host an AMA with Sender Wallet later today 😊Hope you can join us!

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