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Ok thanks. if there is any good topic about SEO

in html css js. can you share it here?

2 ответов

10 просмотров

Broadly speaking, Google cares about UX. If your page has too little content, takes too long to load, over-saturated with (duplicated?) content, copies content available elsewhere, all those things hurt SEO. Having good semantic HTML, direct and accessible content, good touch targets, page metadata, and the such improve SEO. Having many backlinks improves your rating as well. We don't really know what goes into PageScore. But we know it's always refined for the best user experience. It will work best if you optimise for that instead of gaming the system. Google definitely does not care if you use inline CSS. It might indirectly affect you if you have huge amounts of it, causing a very large and content-blocking page.

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