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I have some resources for UI, most of these are

from the game industry but the key takeaways can be used in other places as well:

1. The Ten Commandments Of Video Game Menus -> https://kotaku.com/the-ten-commandments-of-video-game-menus-5955855
2. 7 Principles of Icon Design -> https://uxdesign.cc/7-principles-of-icon-design-e7187539e4a2
3. The only advice you will need to make a great game UI/UX -> https://medium.com/ironequal/the-only-advice-you-will-need-to-make-a-great-game-ui-ux-74a0db8de642 Well-rounded guide on how to design UI with good UX
4. 4 tips on typography in UI design -> https://www.invisionapp.com/inside-design/4-tips-on-typography-in-ui-design/ How optimizing your typography helps create better UI
5. UX/UI in Destiny -> http://www.cand.land/destinydocs David Candland (UX/UI on Halo and Destiny series) shares detailed walkthroughs of his work
6. UX/UI in Halo -> http://www.cand.land/halodocs David Candland (UX/UI on Halo and Destiny series) shares detailed walkthroughs of his work
7. Making of the user interface in Endless Legends -> https://www.makinggames.biz/feature/making-of-the-user-interface-in-endless-legends,9338.html Process and takeaways from the UI design of Endless Legend (a strategy game)
8. Diegesis and designing for immersion -> https://www.gamasutra.com/blogs/GabrielNaro/20180801/323232/Diegesis_and_designing_for_immersion.php Tips on designing for in-world and in-narrative UI
9. What Makes AAA Game UI - Constantine Gavrykov, Kamil Krupski Wargaming -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aq6CJTdwfz8
10. "We’ll fix it in UI" - David Candland (Bungie) -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LnxZxQpDsJg
11. Destiny's Tenacious Design and Interface -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zp4NZ8i80QI
12. Art Direction for AAA UI -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kjbxxbmJCh0
13. The Psychological Basis for UI Design Rules -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Gw2bnwQRno
14. Practical Tips for Great UI Animation - Pablo Stanley -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LmXVxkWjLT8
15. UI in Games -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bh_ZFB2jwOo Has timestamps, etc in description
16. More than just pictures: Creating accessible iconography - Leiker -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5MNDZ7EAdA
17. Good Design, Bad Design -> https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8K0_g1wdQeoxta9RyvTK-DnhU4jI2QJN Playlist of videos looking at UIs in games
18. Keys to Efficient User Interfaces -> https://gdkeys.com/keys-efficient-user-interfaces/
19. Making UI for Total War: a UI design pipeline - Creative Assembly -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSoW-8xkaQs
20. UI Design in Bayonetta 2 -> https://www.platinumgames.com/official-blog/article/6733
21. Dark UIs. The Good and the Bad. Dos and Don’ts. -> https://www.toptal.com/designers/ui/dark-ui
22. Long Dark: Survival game HUD UI -> https://www.gamedeveloper.com/design/long-dark-survival-game-hud-ui
23. The fundamental UI element most games miss -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SaGvhTTvNVo
24. Menus in Video Games -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=To6DO-Rj5vE
25. Menus & HUD: the Temporality Perspective -> https://gdkeys.com/menus-hud-the-temporality-perspective/
26. Paralanguage in Games -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40GwEf4bFuA
27. UI Design resources -> https://www.notion.so/onewithmachines/WE-CAN-FIX-IT-IN-UI-9f588869324a45e2b2d0595546ce77d1
28. Hearthstone: How to Create an Immersive User Interface -> https://www.gdcvault.com/play/1022036/
29. Strategy Game Battle UI ->https://medium.com/@treeform/strategy-game-battle-ui-3b313ffd3769

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Sup dud, i need one course that will put me on the right track.

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