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How should we update django migrations using deprecated code ??

10 ответов

14 просмотров

what do you mean by "using deprecated code"?

Fan / Ac- Автор вопроса
Charly Román
what do you mean by "using deprecated code"?

I mean migration files which has deprecated code or something that is removed on new version

Fan / Ac
I mean migration files which has deprecated code o...

Ohh not realy, you can squash old migrations instead

Fan / Ac- Автор вопроса
Charly Román
Ohh not realy, you can squash old migrations inste...

I see, that should be what I should do instead of manually updating migration files that are auto generated right ??

Fan / Ac- Автор вопроса
Charly Román
i think is easier to mantain

should I squash all migrations to one

Fan / Ac
should I squash all migrations to one

yes, unless you know some of them have not been applied on production (or any environment other than your local)

Fan / Ac- Автор вопроса
Charly Román
yes, unless you know some of them have not been ap...

I think I should go yo old version, squash migrations and come to new versions as its throwing error as some codes in migrations doesnt exist on django 5

Fan / Ac
I think I should go yo old version, squash migrati...

but you just need to update one migration file

Fan / Ac- Автор вопроса
Charly Román
but you just need to update one migration file

in this case yes, I was saying that in general case where we need to change multiple files

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