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Hi Celsians! Well I am bit disappointed as I realised

that I did not receive my BTC600 rewards totally! I checked that on 19th of june this year I received only 0.01255 btc (* 29 807=$374! Instead of $600). Anybody can explain if there is a mistake!? Or something I don t get? As on 19th of june 1btc= $29807... so $600= 0.020 btc!

6 ответов

7 просмотров

You get $600 worth of btc at today’s price

Sandro- Автор вопроса

Ok but that does not sound very logical to me as I can see the deposit (of 0.01255btc) on 18th of June with the price of BTC from the 16th of september(when my reward was claimed)! Really weird, isn t it!?

Sandro- Автор вопроса

Ok thanks!

Sandro- Автор вопроса

Yea OK it was unlocked on 16th of september, but still i do not understand why on my history I see the reward on 18th of june!

Cause u started the promo in June. But have to wait till u fulfil it

The amount you receive is calculated at the time the code unlocks.

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