Похожие чаты

Hey, I'm thinking of transfering some USDC into Celsius. My

idea is to do a wire transfer from a bank to Crypto.com, and then Crypto.com into Celsius. Any better ideas? Thanks!

Actually, has anyone staked in Crypto.com instead of Celsius? It seems to have a little bit better percentage rate than Celsius. Any Pros vs. Cons?

10 ответов

13 просмотров

There is no locking down or "staking" with Celsius, reason is that there are tax implications for the user. (Capital gains as if the token was sold and then bought). Alex talked about it in the previous AMA I believe

Mikaela-Kensington Автор вопроса

Ok, thank you! I'll check out the AMA! So, it *would* have tax implications if I left it in Crypto.com? And is there any other better way to get USDC to Celsius, than the route I mentioned? I connected a bank to Crypto.com, but the bank has a daily limit on transfers, so I'll need to do a Wire to Crypto.com.

Depends on what country you are from also. I assume US ?

Mikaela-Kensington Автор вопроса

Yes, the US.

One option is BlockFi. You can wire USD there. Change to USD 1:1 no fee. And one free withdrawal a month from there to Celsius. So 1:1 USD/USDC with no fees involved. Just once a month though. So good for salary I guess.

Mikaela-Kensington Автор вопроса

Ok, thank you for sharing! 😊👍🏼

👍🏼 DM me if you want a referral for $10 BTC 😊

Alex's view about locking coins causing a taxable event is not widely shared. It sounds like he's offering excuses to avoid paying out higher interest that other platforms do.

That was not accurate at all.

We have Twitter spaces Celsians Club running almost everyday, feel free to join and community members will try to answer all your questions

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