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Cel borrowed from Tether? Why? They going bankrupt?

11 ответов

11 просмотров

Celsius is not going bankrupt. They are extremely profitable and have a very large balance sheet.

Yongle- Автор вопроса
Why their token price so stagnant?

Markets aren’t always rational

Celsius is not going bankrupt. They are extremely ...

any reputable audited source or proof for this?

any reputable audited source or proof for this?

Alex has publicly stated this fact many times. It is illegal to say this if it’s not true and he has also stated that.

Money and greed turns people into monsters and manipulators, if it's not proven and audited by a third party it means nothing

Money and greed turns people into monsters and man...

Alex with rich AF long before Celsius. The guy invented VOIP ffs.😁

Money and greed turns people into monsters and man...

Alex literally has hundreds of millions of dollars, he’s not in this to make money off us

Alex literally has hundreds of millions of dollars...

Even worse, so it won't affect or care at all if Celsius goes bottoms up?

Even worse, so it won't affect or care at all if C...

Man that’s a toxic attitude. 🤦‍♂️ Anyone who has watched an AMA can see Alex is a decent guy. His whole fking team adore him. Rarely happens with tyrants.

Even worse, so it won't affect or care at all if C...

M8 it’s just tether fud. Happens every cycle. Welcome to crypto.

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