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@Xineohp when do people get decent info about sgb? why

is it so difficult for celsius to give proper advise or info about sgb. It is live already and trading. People can stake it and earn. Lots of money on the table. Unacceptable this

22 ответов

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They posted a video which I have pinned.

KDB- Автор вопроса
They posted a video which I have pinned.

Its weeks ago already. Other exchanges can do it. If i ask people say its not life and u cant do anything with it. Completely untrue. Time to put some pressure on fireblocks. I have the feeling.nothing happens at all there as almost nobody even understand what it is

Its weeks ago already. Other exchanges can do it. ...

Is the network even active? I didn't think it was possible to transfer. Nuke said it will take months to develop these things. Change will not be instant and as soon as sbg makes changes.

KDB- Автор вопроса
Is the network even active? I didn't think it was ...

Its active and working. Nuke doesnt understand that. He doesnt know the difference between flare networks and flare finance. You can send sgb, delegate earn yield etc

Its active and working. Nuke doesnt understand tha...

Well Celsius needs to wait for fireblock to develop. Once that is done only then can start development on their end. Its not going to happen anytime soon. Nuke was upfront about this from the very start before even flair was done. He said months after things happen.

it’s been explained multiple times on the ama’s. sgb is not supported by fireblock yet. as long as fireblock does not support sgb, it won’t be distributed. if it takes a year, it will take a year. Honestly. it’s the fault of the people. Alex and Nuke and every humans rational brain should know, that you take coins down for airdrops in your own wallet. so now people gotta wait or go and ask fireblock 🤷‍♂️

Cause their custodian is not supporting. Can only wait once their custodian supports, now is just a waiting game

Its active and working. Nuke doesnt understand tha...

he understands it and he talked about it. it’s firwblock

KDB- Автор вопроса
it’s been explained multiple times on the ama’s. s...

The fault of the people? Please check first how this airdrops work

KDB- Автор вопроса
he understands it and he talked about it. it’s fir...

No. He said hugo should not do so many airdrops. It are even 2 different companies. Seems like you are informed also well😜👌

The fault of the people? Please check first how th...

i know how it works. they should not have left their xrp for the first airdrop on celsius to beginn with. so people should blame themselves for being lazy. and thanks to those whining people, celsius will never support am airdrop again. hope you were not lazy and took your xrp from celsius before the drop…😜👌🏻

KDB- Автор вопроса
i know how it works. they should not have left the...

What it has to do with being lazy? The snapshot happened end of 2020. We didnt even know those airdrops will come. People trust celsius to do the good thing. Now i would do it totally different. You talk too much nonsense with knowing very little

What it has to do with being lazy? The snapshot ha...

don’t start insulting people. i also can say, you are talking nonsense. zach and alex and nuke said always: best is to withdraw the tokens for the snapshot. if people don’t do it, and let a custodian handle their stuff, then they have to wait. and what can’t you understand about: celsius can only support it, when fireblock supports it…

KDB- Автор вопроса

Where i insult people? Before uninformed people also said celsius will never support flare, will never support SGB, while they are the ones who receives it in my place. Are you involved yourself in any of this or did even investigation? Clearly not and u still got an opinion about something u dont know. If no one pushes we would not even get the sgb so, yes let then push fireblocks. If you are not involved keep away from it

Where i insult people? Before uninformed people al...

telling people that they talk nonsense is not respectfull. of you check my messages, i haven’t written anything wrong. so obviously i know what i am talking about. you are just upset, because you don’t get your tokens. keep pushing, some day you will get them. you are how long it took ada. and don’t make uninformed assumptions. of course i am involved, because i kept my xrp, because you where always saying, they will go to the moon. so i hope you will be right with this… but i don’t complain. i did not take it from celsius, so now i gotta wait 🤷‍♂️ but you can keep pushing, maybe it accelerates the process.🤷‍♂️

KDB- Автор вопроса
Its weeks ago already. Other exchanges can do it. ...

They don't have any real code. they just put in a placeholder and still have to build a wallet. you can't move that coin to any other exchange. The chain is in beta and could be closed at any time. Also who allows staking of SGB? if they can create revenue on it, that exchange has to be a ponzi.

KDB- Автор вопроса
They don't have any real code. they just put in a ...

You can move already your SGB out of exchanges. The canary network is live. Really i dont know from where you got all this info😜. A few min check and you would be informed

You can move already your SGB out of exchanges. Th...

https://flare.xyz/introducing-songbird/ "Chaos warning Songbird should not be considered a production ready network. It is for testing of the integrity of the proposed production network (Flare), proposed governance updates over time, the Flare core protocols and dApps launching on Flare. The Flare team makes no promise to continue support or development of Songbird in the future. The team at Flare and likely the various teams testing their dApps on Songbird will be actively trying to find and exploit bugs and other issues and break the network. Please therefore be aware that Songbird comes with a potential for loss of liveness, token loss and risk that is potentially greater than main net deployments. Measure twice, cut once."

KDB- Автор вопроса
https://flare.xyz/introducing-songbird/ "Chaos war...

Yes its like kusama for polkadot. People can earn yield already and withdraw etc.

Yes its like kusama for polkadot. People can earn ...

Celsius only deals with production networks. If you want to do more risky things, do it elsewhere. But to your point it spent 3 seconds reading their website and proved you wrong.

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