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Has anyone here ever used youtube-dl in Django? I wanna

see if it's possible to pipe the downloaded video to the client (so they can download it) without having to save any video on the disk.
I saw an issue on the youtube-dl Github which pointed out to -o - and subprocess.Popen but I have no clue how to work with this information.

2 ответов

18 просмотров

I've never used Django and I'm not sure I understand the main goal, but you might want to read up on base64, which if fundamentally the video as a string that can be passed to a variable and converted to a video format afterwards (look up base64 to video and see what online converters are doing). If nothing goes to plan you can work the same way the majority of online converters do: post it to Firebase and let users know the requested video will be deleted from the server after 24 hours.

Hossein- Автор вопроса
Pedro Aguiar
I've never used Django and I'm not sure I understa...

Thank you I will look it up. What I'm doing right now, is I do download the file on my server, but I delete it as soon as it's returned to the user.

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