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I’ve been exploring channels and playing around with some basic

edge cases. I understand for a successful transaction to occur in a channel, A sender and a receiver must be available, for a given “message”.

Why does the following operation not result in a deadlock?

package main

func main() {
messages := make(chan string)

// A go routine that sends to a channel
go func() {
messages <- "I am sending a message."

// Main routine has no receiver.
// No compilation or runtime error.
// Why doesn't it deadlock?

11 ответов

9 просмотров

because your main goroutine doesn't wait, returns and the program is terminated

so if I understand correctly deadlock will only occur if you try to access the channel without goroutines because the channel has no buffer.

so if I understand correctly deadlock will only oc...

package main func main() { messages := make(chan string) // A go routine that sends to a channel //go func() { messages <- "I am sending a message." //}() }

package main func main() { messages := make(cha...

if you make a buffered channel it will work messages := make(chan string, 1)

Justin-K Автор вопроса
if you make a buffered channel it will work messag...

Yes, I did play with buffer sizes. Unless I misunderstood, I read somewhere that buffer channels have their time and place. To limit their use and rather keep the code “tightly coupled” for each successful channel transaction to occur (or something). Is that a valid point?

Justin K
Yes, I did play with buffer sizes. Unless I misund...

When using buffering there is no need to use goroutine for example. When we don't have a buffer on the channel, the use of goroutines is mandatory.

Justin-K Автор вопроса
When using buffering there is no need to use gorou...

Thanks, Yes, I understand that bit but the point I wrote just earlier, is that a valid consideration at all? That to use buffer only if the solution really requires of the channel to hold a few messages?

Justin K
Thanks, Yes, I understand that bit but the point I...

Yes, adaptation by need and problems we know the amount to be shared.

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