Похожие чаты

I'M trying to send a HTTP request with a url

in this format (it accepts both GET/POST methods):

https://<my_host_url>/request_something?access_key={my_access_key}&image={<base64> value of image}

And this is the error I'm getting:

write tcp> write: broken pipe

Also I'm sure it's not server-side and most probably it's my client's fault, any clue why this is happening and/or how to fix it?

7 ответов

10 просмотров


have you googled the error?

woto-「 噂 」 Автор вопроса
Roman Sharkov

this is how I'm doing it: https://play.golang.org/p/OBCxWyP71u9

woto-「 噂 」 Автор вопроса
Roman Sharkov
have you googled the error?

yes, found nothing useful about it (I found some stackoverflow and github issue, but they didn't tell me anything special)

woto-「 噂 」 Автор вопроса
Roman Sharkov
have you googled the error?

and I found a webpage like this...

It means that the TCP connection was closed while something was reading from the io.Reader exposed by the net.Conn interface (TCP low level stuff). It probably is because you are sending a huge payload (base64 image) via the request url, which is not recommended. The client probably timed out while the server was still reading the url and the client closed the connection

woto-「 噂 」 Автор вопроса
It means that the TCP connection was closed while ...

yeah, thank you the problem was exactly like this

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