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Whats the good reason for not having generics available in

Go? Coming from ruby/js background, it gets dull writing trivial day to day (repetitive) functions - before you even get to the logic.

17 ответов

10 просмотров

wait for version 2

go is extremely opinionated

I'm starting to wonder if we really need generics or can we just use interfaces

Interfaces are not good enough in other scenarios.

But what are those scenarios? That's what I was asking

Harry-Cee Автор вопроса
But what are those scenarios? That's what I was as...

A simple application is finding the sum of floats or int types

But what are those scenarios? That's what I was as...

I'm thinking about DB orms, powerful tools can born in this era. Also the removal of many code generators

I'm thinking about DB orms, powerful tools can bor...

Generics aren’t solve that problem. Only macroses can be a replacement of the code generation.

Generics aren’t solve that problem. Only macroses ...

Macros are another thing that should be added in Go. Rust macros are just so good

Generics aren’t solve that problem. Only macroses ...

Typed parameters are to solve such problems, and they play a huge part in ORMs. And go generics will be about typed parameters as far as I've read

The reason was they wanted something solid before they added them to language.

Macros are another thing that should be added in G...

I heard somewhere that the go team strongly dislikes macros because you don't normally see what code the compiler actually reads so it can leady to error messages which don't make sense to the user.


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