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But the question aside, how is a DOM parser written?

What algorithms and data structures are used?

One way I came to think of was to traverse the string and find the first occurrence of the closing tag: </ul> then check if there are other beginning tags <ul in between and expand the traversing range.

I wasn't able to find a good article on web, I guess I have to look through available libraries to learn. This is like a riddle for me

11 ответов

15 просмотров

Does it matter? You won't be writing one, will you?

you don't want to role your own, do you? Sounds like a bad idea if all you want is to parse some HTML to solve a business issue

ㅤ- Автор вопроса
Roman Sharkov
you don't want to role your own, do you? Sounds li...

Not for this project, I'm just curious on the way its achieved. That might train my brain for same problems :D

Not for this project, I'm just curious on the way ...

You'd probably be writing a recursive descent parser, it's quite fun btw

ㅤ- Автор вопроса
Roman Sharkov
You'd probably be writing a recursive descent pars...

It does sound fun, I'm already looking into it. I hope by fun you didn't mean the quantum physic formulas

It does sound fun, I'm already looking into it. I ...

it ain't that difficult, also not quite trivial tho and a little time consuming

ㅤ- Автор вопроса

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger

time kills you, there ain't enough of it 😅

ㅤ- Автор вопроса
Roman Sharkov
time kills you, there ain't enough of it 😅

Who said this is the only time we live in. I'll die and born a better programmer

ㅤ- Автор вопроса
Roman Sharkov
highly doubt it's possible 😅

It's how I calm myself when I'm reminded of the time

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