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Hi friends, need a small advise.. i just started to

learn python. And when I read some articles, which mentioned GO is better than python ? Can you please give more details ? which is good and scope in this new IT world (2018 + ) ? and Can we develop web apps, mobile app , IoT , data analysis etc using GO ?

4 ответов

6 просмотров

If you just learn programming, go is good as c because of static typing, means it will throw an error when you compile if the type is different from the variable definition you made. It will let you understand whats this and whats that. Python is dynamic type, there is no type checking just like javascript and php. For the scope golang mostly used for web development but you can also use golang for other things.

If you are just starting out, I won't recommended go, and the other thing, no language is bad or good, it all depends on the user, just pick a language and learn it, after a point, you will turn language agnostic..

It depends on what kind of engineering you are interested in and how important for you to get fast results (gets paid). I would consider two situations: 1. You need to get fast money + entering IT sphere — python, js, ruby etc. Whatever that allows you to build up web-apps fast and more or less secure. + basic understanding how internet works on applied lvl of OSI model (HTTP methods etc.). 2. If you don't need fast income and you are not interested in WebApps at all — in this case i would suggest to start with C/C++ to understand what is under high-level languages. How pointers work. How memory is being segmented, occupy and free memory etc. If you catch it, you will be able to understand most of ideas usually behind frameworks, builders etc. That's very useful, but i can't say it is necessarily, coding on high-level languages just let you focus on business needs and forget about deal with pointers, out of range exceptions etc. Many low-level coders tend to treat high-level languages as "for monkeys" — forget about it. They just narcissistic morons, abstractions help us to create cool stuff, save time and concentrate on main goals. Saying that high-level coders are "monkeys" it's like if firmware developer says "Java devs, game devs are monkey, because they don't even understand, how memory works on physical level. Sorry for long post. Hope i helped you somehow.

Good text for Medium though. I might assume that money is more valuable point to choose IT than other specialities, maybe it is in only my country, idk. I might suggest choosing the language by technologies in which that language is used. You may hate developing webapps in a few years for example, but love to do something with webVR, or hate developing mirosystems on C++ and love programming IOT. It depends, really. Everything in this world depends on your point of view. If you need money - go and learn the most moneyreceiving language, if you need to be famous - go and learn Rust or develop your own language. I believe that Python is a good choice and you will have a chance to learn smth else. Dont worry about it

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