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Hi all, busd on Celsius is ERC-20?

11 ответов

8 просмотров

yes, that's what the app says I believe

P.- Автор вопроса
yes, that's what the app says I believe

I didn't see about busd. I saw only busd but I think is ERC-20. Any updates about swap option on the app?

I didn't see about busd. I saw only busd but I thi...

Swaps are available to a limited area / number of users and is expanding.

P.- Автор вопроса
Thank you. How can I know if I'm in?

You need to apply and if you're accepted they will email you. I believe it's for platinum members to start with.

P.- Автор вопроса
You need to apply and if you're accepted they will...

I'm Platinum. Where can I apply? Thank you

I'm Platinum. Where can I apply? Thank you

did you get an email about joining the beta program a month ago?

P.- Автор вопроса
did you get an email about joining the beta progra...

Uh I have to check. After the Celsius scam email some time ago I stopped to click. Thank you

You need to apply and if you're accepted they will...

Question- if you took out a loan Using btc as collateral and received USDC can you pay back the loan with a combination of USDC & USDT or does it all have to be paid back in USDC since that is what I received for the loan.. Simple version - can you repay loans with any stable coin?

Jimmy Z | BlockchainHerd "Do Boy"
Question- if you took out a loan Using btc as coll...

Maybe? you can pay back in any stable, just not sure if you can mix it. Maybe ASK in the AMA friday. I know you can't do it in app, but emailing loans@celsius.network might do it for you.

Jimmy Z | BlockchainHerd "Do Boy"
Question- if you took out a loan Using btc as coll...

That would be a question for the loan department. I believe you can pay in stablecoins / a combination but I don't want to confirm just in case it's not accurate information.

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